I watermark a lot of images, so I definitely need something like this. I haven’t tested exactly how many I can watermark at once, but I can rename the file (or keep the original name and simply add to it - so, I can do filename+WM), the size and resolution seem to be unaffected (I hate the programs that reduce my resolution), and that’s all good. However, if batch watermarking landscape and portrait images, there will be issues. I’ve found if I make a watermark profile that is slightly larger than I’d like for the portrait images, then the system will watermark the landscape images slightly smaller than I’d like - acceptable, but I don’t want to be stuck with that bandaid forever. Basically, the program needs to be improved to determine how to watermark landscape versus portrait in the same batch. Yes, you can divide up your work so as to only batch edit portrait images and then only batch edit landscape, but as someone who has potentially thousands to do, I really don’t want to have to do that extra step.
So, if the portrait vs. landscape issue gets fixed, I think this will be a great app.